God the Father is a person

The idea that the Godhead consists of three separate and distinct persons, each with a personal spirit-body, a personal soul, and a personal spirit will mean much to you as you learn to know and love God and follow the divine plan for your life. At the very least, this conception of God will make the whole Godhead comprehensible to you. It will no longer be a mystery beyond all possible understanding as you may have been taught.
Because God the Father is a person, He expects you to respect Him as you would any other great personage and as you should the Sovereign Moral Governor of all free moral agents. God has a personal plan for your life that will fit perfectly into His larger plan for man. In other words, He has invited and has made it possible for each of you to have a personal part in the fulfillment of His plan for man. You should enter wholeheartedly into cooperation with God’s plan for your life. God’s plan is a mutual one for the best and highest good of all creation. He wants to take you into partnership for eternity. As Paul expressed it, “workers together with him” (2 Corinthians 6:1). This should be the thrill of your life. You should count it the greatest honor ever bestowed upon you to have a part with Him to bring about the highest good of the universe. You should hunger daily to know Him better as a person and to know His plan, so that you may become an integral part of God and His program.
The plan of God for man includes both the means and the ends, prayer and its answer, the labor and its fruit. There is a single plan which embraces all things for the good of all creation. It is a part of the perfection of God that He would have a plan for man – the best plan possible. This plan is already predestinated according to the eternal purpose of Him that works all things after the pleasure of His own will (Isaiah. 46:10-11; Daniel. 4:35; Ephesians. 1:3-11; 2:10; 3:10-11).
This personal concept of God will enable you to work with God as a person, pray to Him as you would talk to any person in whom you put trust and confidence, and obey Him in all things, realizing that everything is done in the presence of God. As you continue these lessons the plan of God will be unfolded to you, and you will get to know God in a real, personal way. As you conform to the plan, you will get to know the power of God and learn how to use it to get the many blessings of this life for yourself and for others. God’s plan will become a personal part of your life as you seek to know and follow it. God will become your best friend and a personal Father and Partner in your everyday affairs. You will come to know the glory and the blessing of a secret relation with God such as few men know.
Finis J. Dake, God’s Plan for Man, (Lawrenceville, GA: Dake Publishing, Inc., 2004), WORDsearch CROSS e-book, 55.
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